Learning Center

This is the place to learn about Piccolo2D. Here you'll find general information on 2D graphics concepts related to Piccolo2D, an explanation of how Piccolo2D compares with other graphics toolkits, common programming patterns used with Piccolo2D, basic and advanced tutorials, and detailed documentation of the Piccolo2D API.

So what exactly is Piccolo2D?

About Piccolo2D will give you some background information on exactly what Piccolo2D can help you do.

Want to learn more about Piccolo2D?

Piccolo2D Patterns will explain the common programming paradigms associated with Piccolo2D.

Ready to start writing code?

The Getting Started section includes basic and advanced tutorials. Here you'll find step by step instructions from setting up Piccolo2D to building sample applications.

Looking for more details?

The Piccolo2D API includes detailed documentation of every class and method in the toolkit. There are separate APIs for Java and C#.

Which version should you use?

Piccolo2D In Comparison will explain the differences between Piccolo2D.Java and Piccolo2D.NET as well as how Piccolo2D relates to other Graphics Toolkits.

Where's the research?

If you want to understand what lead to Piccolo2D, read some of the papers we have published over the years in the Publications section.

Have a technical question about Piccolo2D?

Check out the Developer's FAQ for answers to frequently asked questions about all three versions of Piccolo2D.

Still have questions?

If you couldn't find the answer to your question on the Development FAQ, try submitting it to our Mailing Lists.

Need to brush up on 2D Graphics?

If you feel like you need a refresher in the basic graphics concepts related to Piccolo2D, check out the Graphics Primer section.