API Documentation
Here you'll find detailed documentation of the Piccolo2D.Java and Piccolo2D.NET toolkits. Currently there is no API documentation for PocketPiccolo2D.NET. But, the Piccolo2D.NET API can be used, since PocketPiccolo2D.NET is essentially a subset of Piccolo2D.NET. We will eventually update the Piccolo2D.NET API docs to say which methods are supported in PocketPiccolo2D.NET.Online Docs
The online documentation pertains to the latest release versions of the code. If you need an earlier snapshot, you can download an older distribution of the code, which includes the documentation.
- Piccolo2D.Java API
- Piccolo2D.NET API
Integrated Help
For Piccolo2D.NET, we provide a setup file that will integrate the Piccolo2D documentation
into Visual Studio.NET (versions 2002 or 2003 only). This allows you to search the
documentation within Visual Studio, just like the standard .NET documentation. This also
enables context sensitive help. For example, if you move the cursor over a class name
like PNode
and press F1
, you will see the documentation for the PNode
class. Download the setup file and double click on it. The next time you run Visual
Studio, the help will be updated.