
PDragEventHandler Members

PDragEventHandler overview

Public Instance Constructors

PDragEventHandler Constructor Constructs a new PDragEventhandler.

Public Instance Fields

AcceptsEvent (inherited from PBasicInputEventHandler) Used to add a filter to this event handler class.
Click (inherited from PBasicInputEventHandler) Used to handle Click events sent to this event handler class.
DoubleClick (inherited from PBasicInputEventHandler) Used to handle DoubleClick events sent to this event handler class.
Drag (inherited from PDragSequenceEventHandler) Used to notify classes of drag events in a drag sequence.
DragActivityFinalStep (inherited from PDragSequenceEventHandler) Used to notify classes that the drag activity has stopped stepping.
DragActivityFirstStep (inherited from PDragSequenceEventHandler) Used to notify classes that the drag activity has started stepping.
DragActivityStep (inherited from PDragSequenceEventHandler) Used to notify classes that the drag activity is stepping.
DragDrop (inherited from PBasicInputEventHandler) Used to handle DragDrop events sent to this event handler class.
DragEnter (inherited from PBasicInputEventHandler) Used to handle DragEnter events sent to this event handler class.
DragLeave (inherited from PBasicInputEventHandler) Used to handle DragLeave events sent to this event handler class.
DragOver (inherited from PBasicInputEventHandler) Used to handle DragOver events sent to this event handler class.
EndDrag (inherited from PDragSequenceEventHandler) Used to notify classes of the end of a drag sequence.
GotFocus (inherited from PBasicInputEventHandler) Used to handle GotFocus events sent to this event handler class.
KeyDown (inherited from PBasicInputEventHandler) Used to handle KeyDown events sent to this event handler class.
KeyPress (inherited from PBasicInputEventHandler) Used to handle KeyPress events sent to this event handler class.
KeyUp (inherited from PBasicInputEventHandler) Used to handle KeyUp events sent to this event handler class.
LostFocus (inherited from PBasicInputEventHandler) Used to handle LostFocus events sent to this event handler class.
MouseDown (inherited from PBasicInputEventHandler) Used to handle MouseDown events sent to this event handler class.
MouseDrag (inherited from PBasicInputEventHandler) Used to handle MouseDrag events sent to this event handler class.
MouseEnter (inherited from PBasicInputEventHandler) Used to handle MouseEnter events sent to this event handler class.
MouseLeave (inherited from PBasicInputEventHandler) Used to handle MouseLeave events sent to this event handler class.
MouseMove (inherited from PBasicInputEventHandler) Used to handle MouseMove sent to this event handler class.
MouseUp (inherited from PBasicInputEventHandler) Used to handle MouseUp events sent to this event handler class.
MouseWheel (inherited from PBasicInputEventHandler) Used to handle MouseWheel events sent to this event handler class.
StartDrag (inherited from PDragSequenceEventHandler) Used to notify classes of the start of a new drag sequence.

Public Instance Properties

DragActivity (inherited from PDragSequenceEventHandler) Gets the drag activity.
DragActivityStepInterval (inherited from PDragSequenceEventHandler) Gets the minimum number of milliseconds that the drag activity associated with this listener should delay between steps.
Dragging (inherited from PDragSequenceEventHandler) Gets or sets a value indicating whether the a drag sequence is in progress.
MinDragStartDistance (inherited from PDragSequenceEventHandler) Gets or sets the minimum distance (in screen coordinates) the mouse must move before a drag sequence is initiated.
MousePressedCanvasPoint (inherited from PDragSequenceEventHandler) Gets or sets the point in canvas coordinates where the mouse was last pressed.
MoveToFrontOnPress Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not a node should move to the front in the z-order at the beginning of a drag operation.

Public Instance Methods

ActivityFinished (inherited from PDragSequenceEventHandler) Called when the drag activity stops running.
ActivityStarted (inherited from PDragSequenceEventHandler) Called when the drag activity starts running.
ActivityStepped (inherited from PDragSequenceEventHandler) Called when the drag activity is running.
DoesAcceptEvent (inherited from PBasicInputEventHandler) Returns true if the filter accepts the given event and false otherwise.
Equals (inherited from Object)Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
GetHashCode (inherited from Object)Serves as a hash function for a particular type, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetType (inherited from Object)Gets the Type of the current instance.
OnClick (inherited from PBasicInputEventHandler) Called when a Click event is sent to this listener.
OnDoubleClick (inherited from PBasicInputEventHandler) Called when a DoubleClick event is sent to this listener.
OnDragDrop (inherited from PBasicInputEventHandler) Called when a DragDrop event is sent to this listener.
OnDragEnter (inherited from PBasicInputEventHandler) Called when a DragEnter event is sent to this listener.
OnDragLeave (inherited from PBasicInputEventHandler) Called when a DragLeave event is sent to this listener.
OnDragOver (inherited from PBasicInputEventHandler) Called when a DragOver event is sent to this listener.
OnGotFocus (inherited from PBasicInputEventHandler) Called when a GotFocus event is sent to this listener.
OnKeyDown (inherited from PBasicInputEventHandler) Called when a KeyDown event is sent to this listener.
OnKeyPress (inherited from PBasicInputEventHandler) Called when a KeyPress event is sent to this listener.
OnKeyUp (inherited from PBasicInputEventHandler) Called when a KeyUp event is sent to this listener.
OnLostFocus (inherited from PBasicInputEventHandler) Called when a LostFocus event is sent to this listener.
OnMouseDown (inherited from PDragSequenceEventHandler) Overridden. See PBasicInputEventHandler.OnMouseDown.
OnMouseDrag (inherited from PDragSequenceEventHandler) Overridden. See PBasicInputEventHandler.OnMouseDrag.
OnMouseEnter (inherited from PBasicInputEventHandler) Called when a MouseEnter event is sent to this listener.
OnMouseLeave (inherited from PBasicInputEventHandler) Called when a MouseLeave event is sent to this listener.
OnMouseMove (inherited from PBasicInputEventHandler) Called when a MouseMove event is sent to this listener.
OnMouseUp (inherited from PDragSequenceEventHandler) Overridden. See PBasicInputEventHandler.OnMouseUp.
OnMouseWheel (inherited from PBasicInputEventHandler) Called when a MouseWheel event is sent to this listener.
ToString (inherited from PBasicInputEventHandler) Overridden. Returns a string representation of this object for debugging purposes.

Protected Instance Properties

DraggedNode Gets or sets the node being dragged.
ParamString Overridden. Returns a string representing the state of this object.

Protected Instance Methods

Finalize (inherited from Object)Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object)Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
OnDrag Overridden. See PDragSequenceEventHandler.OnDrag.
OnDragActivityFinalStep (inherited from PDragSequenceEventHandler) Override this method to get notified when the drag activity stops stepping.
OnDragActivityFirstStep (inherited from PDragSequenceEventHandler) Override this method to get notified when the drag activity is stepping.
OnDragActivityStep (inherited from PDragSequenceEventHandler) Override this method to get notified when the drag activity starts stepping.
OnEndDrag Overridden. See PDragSequenceEventHandler.OnEndDrag.
OnStartDrag Overridden. See PDragSequenceEventHandler.OnStartDrag.
PBasicInputEventHandlerAcceptsEvent (inherited from PBasicInputEventHandler) The filter for a PBasicInputEventHandler. This method only rejects an event if it has already been marked as handled.
PDragEventHandlerAcceptsEvent The filter for a PDragEventHandler. This method only accepts left mouse button events that have not yet been handled.
ShouldStartDragInteraction Overridden. See PDragSequenceEventHandler.ShouldStartDragInteraction.
StartDragActivity (inherited from PDragSequenceEventHandler) Schedules the drag activity to run.

See Also

PDragEventHandler Class | UMD.HCIL.Piccolo.Event Namespace