
UMD.HCIL.Piccolo.Event Namespace

This namespace supports Piccolo event handlers. It contains event listeners for user-driven input events. It also contains basic event handlers for common typical interaction such as zooming and panning.


PBasicInputEventHandlerPBasicInputEventHandler is the standard class in Piccolo that is used to register for mouse and keyboard events on a PNode.
PDragEventHandlerPDragEventHandler is a simple event handler for dragging a node on the canvas.
PDragSequenceEventHandlerPDragSequenceEventHandler is designed to support mouse pressed, dragged, and released interaction sequences. Support is also provided for running a continuous activity during the drag sequence.
PInputEventArgsPInputEventArgs is used to pass keyboard and mouse event data to PInputEventListeners.
PPanEventHandlerPPanEventHandler provides event handlers for basic panning of the canvas view with the left mouse button.
PPropertyEventArgsPPropertyEventArgs is used to pass data for a property changed event to a PPropertyEventHandler.
PZoomEventHandlerZoomEventhandler provides event handlers for basic zooming of the canvas view with the right (third) button.


PInputEventListenerPInputEventListener defines an interface for objects that want to listen to PNodes for input events. If you are just using Piccolo's default input management system then you will most often use PBasicInputEventHandler to register with a node for input events.


AcceptsEventDelegate A delegate that is used to add a filter to this event handler class.
ClickDelegate A delegate that is used to handle Click events sent to this event handler class.
DoubleClickDelegate A delegate that is used to handle DoubleClick events sent to this event handler class.
DragActivityFinalStepDelegate A delegate used to notify classes that the drag activity has stopped stepping.
DragActivityFirstStepDelegate A delegate used to notify classes that the drag activity has started stepping.
DragActivityStepDelegate A delegate used to notify classes that the drag activity is stepping.
DragDelegate A delegate used to notify classes of drag events in a drag sequence.
DragDropDelegate A delegate that is used to handle DragDrop events sent to this event handler class.
DragEnterDelegate A delegate that is used to handle DragEnter events sent to this event handler class.
DragLeaveDelegate A delegate that is used to handle DragLeave events sent to this event handler class.
DragOverDelegate A delegate that is used to handle DragOver events sent to this event handler class.
EndDragDelegate A delegate used to notify classes of the end of a drag sequence.
GotFocusDelegate A delegate that is used to handle GotFocus events sent to this event handler class.
KeyDownDelegate A delegate that is used to handle KeyDown events sent to this event handler class.
KeyPressDelegate A delegate that is used to handle KeyPress events sent to this event handler class.
KeyUpDelegate A delegate that is used to handle KeyUp events sent to this event handler class.
LostFocusDelegate A delegate that is used to handle LostFocus events sent to this event handler class.
MouseDownDelegate A delegate that is used to handle MouseDown events sent to this event handler class.
MouseDragDelegate A delegate that is used to handle MouseDrag events sent to this event handler class.
MouseEnterDelegate A delegate that is used to handle MouseEnter events sent to this event handler class.
MouseLeaveDelegate A delegate that is used to handle MouseLeave events sent to this event handler class.
MouseMoveDelegate A delegate that is used to handle MouseMove sent to this event handler class.
MouseUpDelegate A delegate that is used to handle MouseUp events sent to this event handler class.
MouseWheelDelegate A delegate that is used to handle MouseWheel events sent to this event handler class.
StartDragDelegate A delegate used to notify classes of the start of a new drag sequence.


PInputType This enumeration is used by the PInputEventArgs. It represents the types of PInputEvents that are dispatched to Piccolo.