
PMatrix Constructor

Constructs a new PMatrix initialized to the identity matrix.

Overload List

Constructs a new PMatrix initialized to the identity matrix.

public PMatrix();

Constructs a new PMatrix initialized to the values in the given Matrix.

public PMatrix(Matrix);

Constructs a new PMatrix initialized to the geometric transform defined by the specified rectangle and array of points.

public PMatrix(Rectangle,Point[]);

Constructs a new PMatrix initialized to the geometric transform defined by the specified rectangle and array of points.

public PMatrix(RectangleF,PointF[]);

Read this this PMatrix from the given SerializationInfo.

protected PMatrix(SerializationInfo,StreamingContext);

Constructs a new PMatrix initialized with the specified elements.

public PMatrix(float,float,float,float,float,float);

See Also

PMatrix Class | UMD.HCIL.Piccolo.Util Namespace