Piccolo.NET 1.0 ChangeLog ------------------ (August 1, 2004) Changed from Mozilla to BSD style license. Piccolo.NET/Source/Piccolo - added PNodeList - added PCameraList - added PLayerList - added PActivityList - added MatrixSurrogate - added GraphicsPathSurrogate PInterpolatingActivity - added terminate method - added new constructor with startime parameter method PBasicInputEventHandler - added OnGotFocus event method - added OnLostFocus event method PDragSequenceEventHandler - added DragActivity Accessor PPanEventHandler - changed unit of autopan speed to pixels per second PPath - added CreateLine method - changed to InternalUpdateBounds to manage path bounds PText - added greeking code - added TextBrush property - added TextAlignment property PCamera - added AnimateViewToPanToBounds method - added ViewConstraint property PCanvas - added notification when interaction quality changes PInputManager - fixed bug in the order that mouse entered and mouse moved events were delivered PNode - added GlobalBounds method - added MoveInFrontOf method - added MoveInBackOf method - added Occluded property - added AnimateToColor method - added CenterFullBoundsOnPoint method - added FindIntersectingNodes method - added InternalUpdateBounds method - added IsOpaque method - removed MoveToBack(PNode child) method - removed MoveToFront(PNode child) method - changed SetBounds to send InternalUpdateBounds message. - changed IndexOfChild to check for case of null child - changed FullPick method to check of PPickPath accepts this node - fixed various update bugs - made inner classes public PDebug - added DebugPaintCalls mode - changed PDebug flags from public fields to properties PPaintContext - added RenderQuality accessor PPickPath - added AcceptsNode method PUtil - added GreekTreshold property - added ReadPen method - added WritePen method - added ReadBrush - added WriteBrush - added FrameworkSurrogateSelector - added DelataRequiredToCenter method Piccolo.NET/Samples - renamed/restructured all examples - added CompositeExample class - added GridExample class - added GroupExample class - added NodeCacheExample class - added PositionPathActivityExample class PresentationTool -fixed bug where example crashes if no slides loaded Piccolo.NET/Source/PiccoloX - added PPathActivity class - added PPositionPathActivity class - added PNotification class - added PNotificationCenter class - added PComposite class - added PNodeCache class - added experimental POcclusionDetection class PForm - added BeforeInitialize method PScrollableControl -Fixed problem w/ scrollable where scrolling would break if given a bad view PSelectionEventHandler - numerous changes Piccolo.NET/Doc - added Piccolo Help Setup - added Piccolo.NET.chm